AIGA Innovate

Together we can make a huge impact

Over the next four years, AIGA will allocate $1 million toward new and exciting projects at AIGA chapters across the country. If you’ve always wished your chapter could do this or that your design community was involved in that, AIGA Innovate is the way to get those great ideas off the ground. Collaborate with your chapter‘s board of directors and apply for AIGA Innovate funding by February 19. Here’s how:

Think outside—but also inside—the box

We want your ideas to blow our minds, but like all grant applications, there are a few goals to keep in mind. Proposed projects must:

  • Support AIGA’s mission and strategic framework
  • Demonstrate innovation and inspiration
  • Meet a need for the chapter, its members, or community
  • Offer tools, resources, or strategies to enhance chapter activities and facilitate active member participation
  • Become self-sustaining after the initial funding
  • Demonstrate the capacity to be shareable and scalable among AIGA’s 69 chapters


Get to know your chapter

If you’re not already friendly with your chapter’s board of directors, now’s the time to get to know them. Members must work with their chapter to develop their project proposals and—if funded—implement their projects. If you’re not sure who to contact at your chapter, we’re happy to put you in touch—just email innovate [at]

Download and read the information packet

Consult this PDF for all the details and additional information like application information, funding criteria, selection processes, deadlines, and more. Please read this in full and pay special attention to the deadlines before applying.


  • January 5: AIGA Innovate launches
  • February 19: Round 1 applications due
  • March 26: Selection committee chooses proposals requesting more than $2,500 to move on to round 2 and applicants are notified by email; selection committee awards proposals requesting less than $2,500 (Richard Grefé, AIGA executive director, will review for final approval) and awardees are notified by email
  • April 23: Round 2 applications due
  • May 14: Selection committee chooses round 2 projects for funding
  • May 21: Executive director reviews round 2 funding recommendations for final approval
  • May 28: Awarded projects are shared at “Together: AIGA Leadership Retreat” in Grand Rapids
  • June 1: Funds are granted; awardees will be notified by email

If you can’t fully flesh out your idea by February 19, don’t worry—you’ll have more opportunities over the next four years. But it’s never too early to start brainstorming. We’re excited to see what you and your chapter bring to the table.

Selection committee

An eight-person selection committee, made up of past and incoming presidents council chairs, members of the Chapter Advisory Council and national board of directors, and members-at-large, will evaluate applications in both rounds. Once the committee selects proposals for funding, Richard Grefé, AIGA executive director, will review and give final approval. Learn more about the selection committee.

We are currently seeking four members-at-large to serve on the selection committee. If you or someone you know would like to serve on the committee, read the selection committee member information and criteria, andsubmit your nomination by February 1.

The selection committee will be announced here by February 10.

Funding selection criteria

For detailed list of the criteria the selection committee will use to evaluate applications for funding,download the information packet PDF.

Apply now

All applications must be submitted online using the AIGA Innovate online application system. Applications submitted by email or post will not be considered. Log into the online application system using your AIGA credentials.

Have questions?

Make sure you’ve read this page, as well as the information packet PDF, in full. If you still have questions, check out the FAQs page. And after all that, if you still have questions, feel free send them to innovate [at]

By webteam
Published February 2, 2015