Announcing: Curated Miami

“Hey, I’m coming to Miami for a few days. Any recommendations for places to check out?”

Who hasn’t heard this? As a designer, our friends and fam­ily rely on us to hear about the cool spots they prob­a­bly can’t find on the reg­u­lar tourism lists.

Curated, an iPhone and Android app, is a col­lec­tion of great places to check out around Miami that have been carefully curated by local creatives. Categories range from cof­fee shops and restau­rants to gal­leries and archi­tec­ture, the kinds of spots you’d want to know about if you were spend­ing time in a new city. And, we hope, some new favorites for the locals.

In a way, Curated is the anti-Yelp; you won’t find hun­dreds of places you don’t care about. Every loca­tion was specif­i­cally hand picked by AIGA Miami mem­bers. A quick bit of info about the loca­tion is com­pli­mented by a snip­pet on why you, a creative-minded per­son, should check it out.

Keep an eye out for our upcoming Curated launch event. Details coming soon!

The Curated App is brought to you by AIGA, the professional association for design. Developed by Wigwam Creative. Created by AIGA Colorado with Artletic, EnZed Design, and Relish Creative.

By webteam
Published June 11, 2016