Brian Singer: How to Get Rich in Design

On April 6th 2017, AIGA National Board member Brian Singer spoke to our AIGA community on “How to get Rich in Design.” The talk was held at former board member Arlyn Hernandez’s studio near the Upper East Side.

 Brian Singer talk

Brian Singer is a San Francisco-based artist and designer who has received international attention for his provocative social projects such at TWIT Spotting (Texting while in Traffic) and The 1000 Journals Project. He recently left his role as the Design Manager for Brand Creative at Pinterest to pursue side projects. Previously he managed design teams at Facebook and ran his own studio. Brian also served on the national board of AIGA, the professional association for design. IG and web:

 Brian Singer talk

Thanks to Ericka Garcia and Lucho Escobar for designing the graphics for this event; thank you to Ezequiel Williams and Action Design Miami for technical and AV support; thank you Arlyn Hernandez for hosting this event.

 Brian Singer talk
 Brian Singer talk
By webteam
Published May 3, 2017