Business of Design 2 Recap

Christy Donnan and Micheal Cano of CC Tax Advisory pose together right at the start of the night on Tuesday, February 20, before the second installment of the Business of Design 2 – “Keep Your Hard-Earned Cash: Best Practices for Managing Your Taxes with CC Tax Advisory”.

AIGA Miami, in conjunction with WeWork Downtown, set up an area prime for fresh, freelancing designers to mingle among each other, coupled with plenty of snacks, drinks and free promotional materials for the guests of the night to enjoy.

Almost everyone present at the event was diligently taking notes, trying to absorb as much information as possible to make the most out of the de facto class they participated in that night.

The in-depth presentation covered all bases one could think of, ranging from defining the types of tax systems working simultaneously, to techniques to best manage your incomes, to expenses any individual can look out for while cataloging their incomes.

The event had an appropriate turnout, with plenty of individuals who were just fledgling freelancers learning alongside seasoned business owners looking to learn the mechanisms behind an integral part of their companies.

“90% of the time, it depends”, reiterates Micheal, emphasizing that so much of what comes up during tax season needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, further cementing the importance of being as prepared and knowledgeable as possible for tax season.

Christy listens attentively to a case study of a question, ready to validate Micheal’s creed of treating each client’s instances with scrutiny.

The floor was opened for questions at the end of the talk, of which many people had a question about a circumstance not described by Christy and Micheal’s thorough presentation. A couple of people even asked if they were looking for new clients, having been immediately wooed by their expertise.

Even at the cusp of tax season, there was plenty to laugh about and enjoy. After all, everyone can appreciate an opportunity to save themselves some hassles and get back a little extra money on their returns.

Join us coming into Fall 2018 for the second half our AIGA Miami’s Business of Design installments. Stay tuned for more wonderful content that will certainly boost the business side of your personal work.

Copy by David Marte
Photography by Isabel Castro

By AIGA Miami
Published May 7, 2018
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