Join us for F*ckUp Night #10 – Design Failures
Fuckup Nights is a global movement born in Mexico in 2012 to share publicly business failure stories. Hundreds of people attend each event to hear three to four entrepreneurs share their failures. Each speaker is given 7 minutes and is able to use 10 images. After each speaker, there’s a question/answer session, as well as time for networking (beers).
The speakers for the evening include:
Franco is a provocateur and visionary. He pioneered “Bionics,” the theory and practice of nature-inspired design, and is an expert in the interplay between design and technology. He has served as Master Innovator of wearable technologies for Google-Motorola, was Motorola’s MIT Media Lab Liaison, led Design for Herman Miller and led Pininfarina in N.A. Franco holds 71 patents including the first wireless ECG, a multi-blade conformable razor (precursor to Gillette’s Mach3) and the Motorola i830/833. Franco has helped shape innovation agendas for Dupont, Coca Cola, Ferrari-Maserati, and Boeing.
Walter Bender is technologist and researcher who works in the field of electronic publishing, media and technology for learning. Bender is an alumnus of the MIT Media Lab. He was executive director between 2000 and 2006. From 2006 to 2008, Bender was president of Software and Content for One Laptop per Child where he coordinated the development of software and content including the Sugar interface for the XO-1 Children’s Machine computer.