Co-chair SVA MFA Design Designer As Author + Entrepreneur
Author of The Daily Heller as well as 180 books on design. He is the recipient of the Smithsonian National Design Award and the AIGA Medal for Lifetime Achievement.
Constance Collins, Esq., is President and Executive Director of the Sundari Foundation, Inc., a non- denominational 501c3 public charity, best known as the Lotus House Women’s Shelter, and its supporting foundations, Lotus Endowment Fund, Inc., Lotus Village Development, LLC, and Lotus Supporting Foundation, Inc.
Director, Journey System,
IBM; National Board of Directors, AIGA
Designer and advocate for social change, Sarah Brooks helps organizations understand and better serve their customers through design research, design practice and design-led strategy. Over the past 15 years Sarah has led multidisciplinary creative teams through initiatives across online and in-person environments. She has worked across multiple sectors including the U.S. Federal Government, healthcare, food systems, media, education and finance. Sarah currently serves as Program Director, Journey System within the Customer Experience & Growth team at IBM.
Deputy Art Director, AARP; Board of Directors AIGA DC
Dian Holton is deputy art director at AARP but in the wee hours of the morning, you may find her installing retail window displays. A former military dependent, she grew up in the United States, Berlin, and Seoul. Her professional background includes publishing, marketing, retail visual display, styling and most recently NIKE footwear designer. She has served 10+ years on the board of AIGA’s Washington D.C. chapter and her passions include philanthropy, fashion, and pop culture.