Recap: Business of Design Part 4 with Emily Cohen: No-BS Business Strategies

We had a fantastic time gleaning expert tips from New York-based business consultant Emily Cohen this November! Emily walked us through her whirlwind crash course that left all of us scribbling frantic notes about her no-nonsense tricks for success—from staffing and pricing to billing and prospecting strategies designed to push design firms onto solid ground and toward a bright (and lucrative) future. Her experience-driven guidance proved priceless, and most participants stuck around to get a signed copy of Emily’s beautifully designed book of wisdom, Brutally Honest. Shout-out to WeWork at Brickell City Centre for the space and Emily for her no-BS approach to giving us the jump-start we needed.

Photography by Lilian Santini

By AIGA Miami
Published January 23, 2019
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