Posterfest 2019 Submissions

Using vintage AIDS awareness posters from the Wolfsonian collection as inspiration, we asked designers to create contemporary versions based on the new perspectives and insights gained at a design workshop in February with Florida Department of Health officials and community members directly impacted by HIV/AIDS.

These 32 posters are the PosterFest 2019 submissions from our design community in South Florida. Finalist designs were unveiled at The Wolfsonian–FIU on Miami Beach during the culminating event on April 27, 2:00–6:00 p.m.



“Use Both” by Cindy Diaz

“Sharing is Not Always Caring” by Mikeala Francis

“Not Just for Him” by David Gurr

“Awareness Brings Hope” by Nathalie Sandin

“Blinded by Stigma” by Ana Smith

“42 Days” by Angelina Lang

“Protect Each Other” by Hamzh Elmi

“Shapes Sizes Colors” by Tennille Shuster

“Love Yourself. Protect Yourself.” by Marian Parajon-Downing

“AIDS Does Not Discriminate” by Victoria Roman


Honorable Mentions

“100% HUMAN” by Camilo Mateus


“Amazing Breakthroughs In HIV Prevention” by Paris Bowman

“Close? Condom.” by Zahrah Duperval

“Stop Diving In UnPrEPared.” by Daisean Foster

“Florida +” by Alicia Veasy

“Let’s end the stigma around AIDS” by Melo Caro

“It Only Takes One” by Danielle Brady

“RTR: Reduce The Risk” by Annette M. Piskel

“In My Hands” by Kathleen R. O’Neill Schuler

“Stand Up” by Tennille Shuster

“PrEP” by Mathew Sotelo

“Let’s Work Together” by Mykaella Panier

“Break The Stereotype” by Savannah Parker

“The Lottery” by Laureen Biruk

“YOU ‘Treat yourself , Don’t cheat yourself'” by Djeffane Ferdinand

“Bareback in Florida” by Luis Alexander

“Educate Yourself” by Dorcas Chocolate

“Direct Flight” by Annarosa Guerrero

“Drugs No Condom Yes” by Hernan Helfer

“Aids Awareness” by Fernando Carmona


PosterFest: Design for Good 2019 is co-presented with The Wolfsonian–FIU and Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County, STD/HIV Prevention and Control Program. Sponsored by Southeastern Printing with support from FIU Department of History, FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Unity Coalition|Coalición Unida, and Ambiente magazine. The Wolfsonian thanks Henry S. Hacker and family for their generous gift of a major collection of international HIV/AIDS posters.

By AIGA Miami
Published April 18, 2019